Utility Type ReturnType
I'd like to start by saying that I am doing this series to learn and understand better Typescript, so feel free to correct me or contact me.
Constructs a type consisting of the return type of function Type.
Let's see some examples:
type T0 = ReturnType<() => string>; //string
type T1 = ReturnType<(s: string) => void>; // void
type T2 = ReturnType<<T>() => T>; // unknown
type T3 = ReturnType<<T extends U, U extends number[]>() => T>; // numver[]
So what do we know so far?
Our type should:
- Receive a function
- Infer and return the returning type of that function if there is any
Let's see the type.
type MyReturnType<T> = T extends (...args: any) => infer R ? R : any;
Let's break it down
We accept a type T and we check that type extends a function and if it returns something T extends (...args: any) => ...
Understanding the infer keyword
The infer keyword can be used within a condition in a conditional type to put the inferred type into a variable. That inferred variable can then be used within the conditional branches.
If the function returns something then we infer its type and we return that ... => infer R ? R ... otherwise, it could be anything or nothing, so we return any ... : any
That is it, thank you!